Bob Kinosian, from Wauwatosa, Wis., holds up a protest sign outside of an extraordinary “lame duck” session of the legislature was held on Dec. 4, 2018, at the Wisconsin State Capitol in Madison, Wis., to consider a series of bills that critics say would strip powers away from Governor-elect Tony Evers and Attorney General-elect Josh Kaul. Photograph by Coburn Dukehart/Wisconsin Watch
From Dec. 3 through the early morning of Dec. 5, 2018, members of the press, the public, and legislators bustled through the halls of the Wisconsin State Capitol in Madison as the Senate and Assembly held an extraordinary session to push through a series of fast-tracked bills before Gov. Scott Walker left office in January.
Photo essay: Wisconsin’s frenetic lame duck session
More of my reporting for Wisconsin Watch can be read here.